

Hi, I’m Lindsay! I’m an artist and graduate of the University of Virginia School of Architecture. My husband, Jay, and I live in Denver, Colorado and love to travel, play basketball, and spend time with family and friends. Although these things define a lot of who I am, I am first a believer who strives to use my gifts for God's glory and encourage others to do the same.

My love for the visual arts has been a constant development since my early years, yet my portfolio really began to grow in high school as I refined my technical skills and explored new media. For the past five years, I have continued to do commissioned work, add to my personal collection, and showcase art in local exhibits, including Charlottesville’s First Fridays in August of 2019 and UVA McIntire School of Commerce’s Connaughton Gallery display in Fall of 2020.

Since I also enjoy capturing elements of nature through photography, I most often create realistic art inspired by photographs. My work emphasizes varieties of color and texture in forms of nature, both simple and complex. I hope that with every piece I create, I can inspire others to make art that exemplifies the beauty of God’s creation. After all, God is The Artist and we are just stewards of the gifts He gives us!

“He has made everything beautiful in its time…”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Lindsay Huff Art + Design, LLC was established February 2024.