Living the Studio Life

Finally having my own studio space is a dream, but living the studio life isn’t always easy. I often struggle with creating and sticking to my own schedule. I have no one else telling me where I need to be or what I need to have done by a certain date - it’s all up to me. I love this freedom, don’t get me wrong, and it’s certainly refreshing after spending my entire life up until last year turning in school assignments with strict deadlines. I enjoy being my own boss, and I’ve grown immensely as I challenge myself every day to be as productive as I can in the studio.

My typical workday begins with driving to the studio complex, unpacking my supplies I need for the day, turning on my heater (because despite the warm LA weather, the nights get cold and the studio takes a while to heat up in the morning!), and set up a TV show, podcast, or music to listen to while I work. I usually paint for a couple hours, take a quick lunch break, and work for a few more hours. I usually stay until I get hungry again, and my favorite local restaurant begins calling my name. Sometimes I’ll bring a pair of shoes or a canvas back home with me and continue working after dinner. I actually find myself to be most productive at night, so I’ve often found myself returning to the studio later in the evening if I’m feeling extra productive.

At least, this is what my days looked like up until today. Sadly, yesterday was my last day in the studio as the property is being converted to serve a different set of clients, but the timing was near perfect. Jay and I will be heading back to the east coast for the next few months so he can begin off-season training. I have big hopes of finding a similar space and community wherever we end up. Who knows, maybe we’ll end up back in LA come next basketball season and I can rejoin some of the artists here in a new arts complex.

I’ve loved the community that the studio has brought me. I’ll miss running into artists in the common area, hearing their stories, and bonding over the challenges and joys that come with being our own bosses. I’ve been blown away by the bright artistic minds that fill this space. From sculptors to illustrators to fellow painters, both realistic and abstract in style, I’ve seen a wide range of art and I stay inspired. Sometimes I can’t believe I’ve gotten to work in such an amazing space. I’ll be dreaming about my next studio, wherever that will be, and I’ll stay hopeful that I’ll find another art community as beautiful as this one.


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