Lindsay Huff Lindsay Huff

Behind the Gates of Gallison

On June 24, the eve of Gallison Hall’s first wedding since its grand opening in the hands of the Williamson Family, my first oil painting was hung in the front entryway. Commissioned by some dear friends, this project was by far my biggest undertaking and most complex challenge…

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Lindsay Huff Lindsay Huff

Living the Studio Life

Finally having my own studio space is a dream, but living the studio life isn’t always easy. I often struggle with creating and sticking to my own schedule. I have no one else telling me where I need to be or what I need to have done by a certain date - it’s all up to me.

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Lindsay Huff Lindsay Huff

Art or Architecture?

Since I found my passion for art, I’ve always wanted something more. Sometimes, that has been a really good thing in an artistic sense. Other times, it has a negative impact on my process because I can never be fully satisfied with my work. I’ve realized on a larger scale that “something more” I was looking for is architecture.

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